One Leg at a Time was co-founded by Joe Johnson, Pastor James Spahn, and Craig DeMartino. Our mission is to provide high-quality prosthetics to amputees around the world, one leg at a time. We have started our initiative in Northern Tanzania where Pastor James has been doing work for ten years.
High volumes of vehicle accidents and lack of access to quality health care in Northern Tanzania have resulted in a large number of amputations in the region. We are working to bring high-quality prosthetics, built by Quorum Prosthetics, to amputees in order to improve their quality of life.
The process for creating a traditional prosthetic involves plaster casting and hours of hands-on work. We are using our innovative 3-D scanning and printing to remotely create custom prosthetics and deliver them to amputees. Part of our goal is to train local individuals interested in this field of work in scanning, measuring, and surveying amputees.
We are working with local hospitals, faith leaders, and medical professionals to reach out to amputees and engage them in our services. Our trained Scanning Technicians then scan the amputees and send the measurements to Quorum Prosthetics. The finished prosthetic is delivered to the patient who will be able to live a more productive life.